Every Indigenous community has its own unique cultural, legal, and historical identity. Truly effective engagement begins with building respectful, positive, and meaningful relationships that enable trust.

Indigenous Engagement

Meaningful Engagement
Respecting Indigenous Peoples and their land we work on
Every Indigenous community has its own unique cultural, legal, and historical identity. Truly effective engagement begins with building respectful, positive, and meaningful relationships that enable trust.
Our engagement and consultation experts have focused on developing an inclusive approach to consultation with Indigenous communities. This engagement approach provides opportunities for positive, ongoing communication, along with two-way information sharing. This brings greater clarity for the land we are accessing and how we can best respect its history. We work collaboratively with our clients to establish engagement goals early to understand the level of support required and plan for success.
All our workers and contractors are provided with appropriate training and resources to guide our engagement approach in addition to following established government policies and procedures.

Indigenous Stakeholder Engagement
As each Indigenous community is unique, no one engagement strategy is best. Our engagement solutions often involve:
- Consultation, engagement, and negotiation
- Issues identification, management, and mitigation
- Community investment planning
- Community meeting planning and logistics
- Capacity funding, joint venture, and benefit agreements negotiation
- Coordination of site visits and field assessments
- Planning and implementation of capacity-building initiatives
- Cross-cultural and engagement training
- Record of Contact (ROC) Management